Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

Genre: Autobiography

Published: 2018

No. of Pages: 360

I had been desperate to read this book that everyone had been talking about, and when I finally got my hands on it, it did not disappoint. In fact, it exceeded my expectations, and I was left with a feeling of warmth, gratitude, and happiness. 

In Everything I Know About Love, we witness Alderton navigate her way through life’s numerous rites of passage; first loves, milestone birthdays, university adventures, landing your first job, weddings, owning your own flat, and the rollercoaster of emotions that accompany such events. Alderton seemingly integrates love and loss, humour and sadness, drama and tranquillity, highlighting the messiness yet beauty of life. 

Amongst Alderton’s compelling memoirs, most of which are surprisingly relatable, the book is infused with comical sarcastic imaginary emails from friends, lists of insightful realisations of what ‘love’ is to her at particular ages, shopping lists, and unexpected food recipes (some very useful ones for those unbearable hangovers).

Aside from the quirky features of this book and Alderton’s hilarious personality that shines through, what I loved the most was the book’s authenticity. Alderton writes with unnerving candour. She does not sugar coat heartbreak, which is often romanticised, or the loss of a loved one to cancer, or the tough battles with eating disorders and mental health. She says it how it is and that’s what makes her voice so refreshing. 

Alderton’s past experiences are stripped back, and as we stumble through life with her, by the end of the book she feels like your best friend. She is unapologetically herself. It is what makes Everything I Know About Love one of a kind. 

Ultimately, Everything I Know About Love, pays homage to her female friendships. Where the book was inspired by Alderton’s best friend, Farly Kleiner, we certainly see Alderton’s sheer appreciation for the women who have stuck by her through thick and thin, in spite of the drama, jealousy, and fighting over boys. Alderton urges us to nurture the women in our lives, because they are some of the very few people who understand you and will always love you for you. 

In her search for love, Alderton finds the greatest love of all – self-love. For many young women in today’s society, Alderton’s message, that you are enough, no matter what, is what I hope will resonate with readers.

Alderton’s wisdom on love is invaluable, and after reading this, single or not, you’ll be sure to hug the people in your life a little bit tighter.